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             江西綠豐源環境科技有限公司是集科研、生產、銷售為一體的現代化科技技術企業。本公司主要銷售環保水處理劑:循環水系列(緩蝕阻垢劑、殺菌滅藻劑、粘泥剝離劑等)、污水處理系列(聚丙烯酰胺、聚合氯化鋁、COD、氨氮去除劑等)、鍋爐系列、中央空調系列等多種水處理劑。產品被廣泛應用于電力、石油、化工、醫藥、印染、冶金、電子、造紙、鋼鐵、食品、科研及三廢治理等領域。公司運用IS09001國際質量管理體系模式,以及高-端的技術及良好的售前售后服務,真誠為用戶全程服務,解決應用過程中遇到的疑難問題,為用戶制定合理的應用運行方案,多年來受到用戶的一致好評。我們的宗旨是“求精 細制造產品,全程控制質量,規范化管理企業,全 方 位服務客戶”,熱忱歡迎各界朋友前來考察指導,共同開創輝煌的未來!


             Jiangxi Lvfengyuan Environmental Technology Co, Ltd. is a modem high-tech enterprise integrating scientific research,production and sales. The company mainly sells environmental protection water treatment agents: circulating water series (corrosion and scale inhibitor, bactericide and algaecide, slime stripper, etc.), sewage treatment series (polyacrylamide, polyaluminium chloride, COD,ammonia nitrogen remover, etc.), boiler series, central air conditioning series,etc. Products are widely used in electric power, petroleum, chemical industry, medicine, printing and dyeing, metallurgy, electronics, papermaking, iron and steel, food, scientific research, waste treatment and other fields. The company uses IS09001 international quality management system mode, as well as cutting-edge technology and thoughtful  pre-sales and after-sales service, sincerely serves the users in the whole process, solves the difficult problems encountered in the application process, and formulates reasonable application operation scheme for users, which has been praised by users for many years. Our tenet is "to make fine products, control the quality in the whole process, standardize the management of enterprises, and serve customers in an all-round way". Warmly welcome the leaders from all walks of life to investigate and guide, and jointly create a brilliant future!